Maurizio Cairola creates exclusive accessories for finest guns’ care, blending ancient hunting tradition and refinement of style.

Every single article is handcrafted to the last detail, to satisfy those who always require the best.

Selection of materials, techniques and finish level represents the effort of renovating craft practices which belong to the past.

Such products are equipment for luxury guns of major producers, such as Pietro Beretta , Ivo Fabbri, F.lli Rizzini di Magno, Johann Fanzoj.

Fitting complements and hunting accessories, handcrafted in an absolutely exclusive way - even on customers’ demand - are ideal to celebrate all special occasions.

Every creation can be personalized through engravings, handcrafted by the Master Engraver 
Stefano Muffolini di Marcheno.

Furthermore, a speciality of our offer consists in restored vintage objects, collected throughout time, thanks to frequent renowned londoner auctions. These objects are now part of a vast collection, which has been the hint to the evolution of the finest gun accessories.

Maurizio Cairola


Finest Gun

Accessories Maker 



Office: Via Cassia 699, Roma

Tel./Fax: +39.06.33251382
Mobile: +39.335.5302319

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